Wednesday 21 November 2012

Tesco Free From Lasagne sheets

I may not be able to go to a restaurant and order a lasagne any more, but it's just given me an excuse to improve my culinary skills! And for the first time earlier this year I attempted making my very own using Tesco's lasagne sheets.

I got a recipe from a student cookbook, and it was a very basic recipe, making a simple cheese sauce and a bolognese with mince. The instructions on the packet said to blanch the sheets first in some boiling water for a few minutes, and then I layered them with the sauce, mince and cheese... and voilà! I put it in the oven and after an hour it came out like this (sorry you can't see the inside, it fell apart when I dished it up!)...

It tasted really good. I was so pleased with the results, and happy that it was so easy to make. But enough about my cooking ability, what about the lasagne sheets? As I've never made a lasagne from scratch myself, I'll be honest and confess that I don't really know if cooking with them is the same as cooking with regular sheets. I had to break them up to fit into the dish I used, but that was easy enough after the blanching.

I am also happy to report that after cooking it tasted the same as a regular lasagne!

Taste: Really good pasta sheets. Thickness, texture, and they were really soft and tasty in the lasagne. The second time I cooked the sheets they needed a little less time in the oven, so they didn't go too crispy round the edges.

Price: £1.50 for a packet of about 12 sheets. (I used about 4 sheets for a 2-person lasagne).

Availability: From Tesco.

Clearly labelled gluten-free? Labels on the front of the packaging, "Wheat free" "Gluten free" and "Milk free"

Nutritional value: As nutritional as you'd expect from pasta! Not as many calories as I'd expect from pasta sheets.

Comparison to the real thing: If I blind-tasted these I don't think I'd be able to tell the difference! Nice and easy to cook with, and I really enjoyed them with the recipe I used.

Overall rating: 8/10
So similar to regular lasagne sheets in terms of taste and texture, and would go well with any lasagne recipe. The sheets are a little small but really easy to cook with, and I've been using them fairly frequently ever since I tried them... so there's a little seal of approval right there!

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