Wednesday 15 August 2012

TRUfree Pretzels

Sometimes it can be difficult to find good snacks that are gluten free as well.  On a recent trip into Waitrose (I don't frequent the place often, but I was at the beach with a friend and it was the nearest supermarket!) I went into their Free From range section and found TRUfree Pretzels.

Now, when I say pretzels, these are the sort of pretzels you get in one of those selection packs with little crackers you get at Christmas, not the big doughy ones you might get from Auntie Anne’s.

These pretzels are a really good snack and a great alternative to a packet of crisps (again, we can be limited to what we can have!).  They're little bite-size ones, and were really good quality. MUCH better quality than the ones in the selection packs!  I found them so moreish I ate the whole bag.

Taste:  Very good quality, and do taste like savoury pretzels.  They were crunchy and tasted sufficiently salty.  I really enjoyed them! The bag was the perfect size.

Price: I bought them for £1.00 in Waitrose, and they seem to be that price everywhere I've looked.

Availability: According to the TRUfree website, they are available in Asda, Morrisons, Sainsbury's, and Tesco.  I also bought a packed in Waitrose, and they're also available at Simply Free, Tree of Life, and Goodness Foods (although I've not heard of these places before! I'll do some research...).

Clearly labelled gluten-free?: Yes, clearly written at the top of the packaging; "Wheat & Gluten free".

Nutritional value:  What you'd expect from a snack bag of pretzels.  Probably fairly similar to a bag of crisps of a similar size.  A good occasional treat.

Comparison to the real thing: I'd say they were better quality than the real thing! The only experience I have to go on is the cheap ones, however.  More crunch, bigger, and filling.

Overall rating: 8/10

A very enjoyable snack, definitely worth the money, and incredibly similar (if not better quality) than regular snack pretzels.